What's holding you back?

As far as I can see... Only yourself.

I created The Mystery School to end "artist paralysis"... That lack of focus, endless procrastination, career anxiety, and social media overwhelm that I see crippling so many creatives I meet these days...

My mission is to help these talented misfits (no matter what their field) along their path to excellence. Kinda like... If Warhol's Factory was Hogwarts-- but online.

This 6-part video/essay boxset is the perfect solution for all of you "overthinkers" out there who have finally decided to put your brainpower to better use. It's time to live up to your artistic potential.


• THE BOOK OF TRANSFORMATION "The Art Of Discipline" -- This long-awaited guide is for helping procrastinating artists become creativity machines. Included inside is a detailed explanation of the intense 'Mystery Formula' that will take you from your daily practice all the way to the rarefied air of God Momentum. For natural-born creatives only. NO sugar-coating. Only pure #truthlotion.

• THE BOOK OF MENTAL HEALTH "The Cure For Overthinking" -- You read biographies about people who struggled, and who were crippled with doubt. And you think, yeah, that’s me. Yet somehow, THEY got out of bed, overcame their weaknesses, and reached excellence. This section shows you how they did it.

• THE BOOK OF DARES "How To Make Your Life A Work Of Art" -- This crazy collection of videos will inspire even the most diehard "introverts" to get out of their comfort zone. Embrace your "shadow self" and start living your whole life like it's a work of art.

• THE BOOK OF PURPOSE "Finding Your Message" -- If you've been looking for help to unearth what you're trying to say with your art... Here it is. This intense 7-day 'Drill Down Method' will get you there. The Mystery School is worth it for this section alone.

• THE BOOK OF INFLUENCE "1000+ Superfans” -- You've been using social media all wrong... It's time to master 'The Great Online Game'. 8 succinct LE$$XNS will teach you how to create culture-defining artistic experiences online, and make your artist brand undeniable. These are the ninja methods I've used for artists and clients like The Weeknd, lastnightsparty™, Redbull, Converse, and yeah, even The Super Bowl.

• THE BOOK OF MONEY "Business Art” -- How to make a living from your craft without "selling out". World Building. Discovering your "exchange value". And truths that successful people keep secret. This is the blueprint I used to build lastnightsparty™ from scratch... Into a world-renowned (and feared) brand.

***Congregation, this is it... The Mystery School "creativity bible". My personal stash of educational videos and essays collected all in one place-- to help YOU step-up your game immediately. No cliché, copy-of-a-copy YouTube trash in here. Only the "insider information" successful people have jealously held back from you. -- Father Bronques

⬆︎ Stop overthinking... Instead, listen to this 'Make Art Not Content' Podcast. ⬆︎

All podcasts are arranged by section inside.

The Mystery School

A collection of "art school" films and essays to help creatives get to their next level.

  Enroll Today

Course Curriculum

  THE BOOK OF GENESIS: How To Regain Your Artistic Brain
Available in days
days after you enroll

I love the little imperfections, like the occasional bits of microphone hiss, or the yelling and police sirens leaking in from outside. Most educational videos take place in "Take-22" land, a wonderful bubble of unreality where all problems and rough edges have been systematically worn down, which makes them useless as standalone documents of a moment-- or as pieces of art. With the LNPTV videos, I’m excited to show them to non-photographically minded people because, in addition to being incredibly informative, they’re also little documentaries, shot and edited with the flair of films.

- Dean, Filmmaker (A Place Where Wi-fi Dare Not Venture), Mystery School Student

- Hailey Eve, Mystery School student who loves the weekly exclusive "Sunday Emails".

The Mystery School is a journey.

Everybody’s path is unique. And so is yours. Use these short films, essays and weekly interactive emails to give yourself an unfair advantage. Take the parts that serve you... And ignore the rest. The idea is to find the nuggets of inspiration that will help you get to YOUR destiny faster.

I designed The Mystery School with one thought in mind: to accompany you while you focus and achieve your goals.

Maybe you can figure it out all by yourself. But then... why haven't you already? Cause no one's been there to kick your ass... That's why. No one's been keeping you accountable.

If you're happy "scrolling through social media for 'ideas'" instead of DOING THE WORK... Don't let me stop you. You probably aren't ready for an intense mindset switch anyway.

But... if you've finally made the decision to raise your creativity from where it is today… to a level that's way more awesome... ENROLL NOW.

Times are rough right now, I know. Feel free to take me up on the special ***CREATIVE MISFITS DISCOUNT*** price I added below. Thank me later. See you inside.

Father Bronques

IMPORTANT USAGE WARNING: Consuming The Mystery School will make content creators become artists, creatives become "rainmakers" and cause artist-entrepreneurs to never stress-out about social media ever again.

After watching "Finding Your Message (Geisha, Part 1)" I found myself sitting down and really thinking about what I loved about my work, and why I do it, and I realised I don't speak from that place. After watching this, I started letting people see me cry and be vulnerable because I realised that sharing from that place was true power, and that's what I have not been doing. The response was overwhelming from doing that. The men and women who I meet and connect through my work, is what makes me want to continue to dive further into photography these days. I'm not quite to the point of finding my message but I know this is bringing me closer to it. So thank you.

- Oliver, Photographer (Australia), Mystery School Student.

Your Instructor

Father Bronques
Father Bronques
Traditional schools try to teach you old ways of thinking.

The Mystery School gets you to stop thinking and finally act.

Get started today!